Dawn Cooper Illustration

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Posts Tagged ‘national insect week’

Insect Emporium #NIW2016

Posted on: June 21st, 2016 by Dawn


It’s National Insect Week 2016, which gives me the perfect opportunity (excuse) to share some bits and pieces from my upcoming book with Egmont. Insect Emporium publishes in September 2016, and is bursting with insects of all shapes, sizes and origins, each with their own stories and curious behaviours. (Pictured above is a crop from my original artwork for the cover. The final approved version can be found here.)


This Mediterranean fruit fly is one of the many colourful creatures I had the pleasure of illustrating for this book. Below is a crop from the pull-out print which accompanies the book.

‘Insects are nature’s great survivors, found almost everywhere on our planet. They creep through undergrowth, lurk in cracks, dart underwater and soar through the sky. From the aerobatics of a dragonfly to the mighty construction of a termites’ nest, this book explores their secrets. Prepare to discover a spellbinding world within the Insect Emporium.’
– Susie Brooks


Egmont have just released a beautiful little animated teaser trailer for the book, in which some of the insects come to life! You can take a look at it here.
