Dawn Cooper Illustration

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Posts Tagged ‘illustration’

New website from The Artworks

Posted on: December 15th, 2014 by Dawn



The Artworks has just unveiled their sumptuous new website, which not only looks the business, but is jam-packed with really beautiful illustration work.

This also means that I have a new profile, which I’m absolutely thrilled with! There are a few new bits of work on there, so do take a look here.


Season’s greetings!

Posted on: December 14th, 2014 by Dawn



I recently designed this colourful festive wreath card for the lovely folks at Art Liaison, a leading illustration agency based in Japan, who will be sending it out to their clients this month.

I’ve also popped a few cards in the post, so keep an eye on your pigeon holes…!

Shipshape winter issue

Posted on: December 14th, 2014 by Dawn



This month, I reconnected with the team behind Shipshape magazine, a quarterly publication which showcases upcoming goings on in Bristol, with a focus on the city’s historic harbourside. I illustrated the winter-themed cover, which was a lot of fun to draw, and answered a few questions inside the mag. You can also find my map illustration if you flick to the centre spread!


The art of botany: how to draw flowers, plants & nature better

Posted on: November 4th, 2014 by Dawn


Earlier in the year, I was invited to contribute to a feature on botanical drawing for Digital Arts, and was delighted to appear alongside some really talented illustrators who I have long admired.

I talked a little bit about my working process, tools of the trade, and choice of contemporary colours. You can read the full tutorial here.

Joining forces with The Artworks

Posted on: March 11th, 2014 by Dawn


I am extremely happy to announce that I am now officially part of The Artworks, a brilliant London-based agency representing a small number of very talented illustrators, including Lucy Davey (who I’m thrilled to share a studio space with in Bristol).

The agency is run by a lovely team of ladies, who are passionate about promoting exciting new talent. I’ve already received a very warm welcome, and can’t wait to meet the other folks.

I’m currently the featured artist on The Artworks’ website, which you can see here.