Dawn Cooper Illustration

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Posts Tagged ‘Christmas’

Season’s greetings!

Posted on: December 14th, 2014 by Dawn



I recently designed this colourful festive wreath card for the lovely folks at Art Liaison, a leading illustration agency based in Japan, who will be sending it out to their clients this month.

I’ve also popped a few cards in the post, so keep an eye on your pigeon holes…!

Season’s Readings quotes for Penguin

Posted on: December 14th, 2014 by Dawn


I am very excited to reveal some of the designs I’ve been contributing to Penguin Books’ Season’s Readings campaign this Christmas. These seasonal literary quotes have been popping up on Penguin’s Twitter page during the countdown to Christmas. This one coincided nicely with Christmas Jumper Day!


You can take a look at the page here, and I’d recommend hitting the follow button, as their Christmas gift suggestions and bookish discussions have been marvellous!

I have also helped with their Instagram Book-a-Day Challenge, for which I illustrated this little graphic. It’s not too late if you want to get involved!


Shipshape winter issue

Posted on: December 14th, 2014 by Dawn



This month, I reconnected with the team behind Shipshape magazine, a quarterly publication which showcases upcoming goings on in Bristol, with a focus on the city’s historic harbourside. I illustrated the winter-themed cover, which was a lot of fun to draw, and answered a few questions inside the mag. You can also find my map illustration if you flick to the centre spread!


Season’s greetings!

Posted on: December 24th, 2013 by Dawn


Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas indeed! It’s been a terrific year, meeting lots of new people, working with new clients, and being involved with several collaborative projects, pop-ups and shops.

I have been busy hand-making presents this year, which I can’t wait to share once they’ve been opened! I’d like to say I’m on top of things, but it’s likely I’ll be spending most of the day in the kitchen with my baking tools at the ready.

…Lots to share in the new year, but for now, Merry Christmas everyone! May your celebrations be long and bright.