Dawn Cooper Illustration

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Posts Tagged ‘books’

Insect Emporium #NIW2016

Posted on: June 21st, 2016 by Dawn


It’s National Insect Week 2016, which gives me the perfect opportunity (excuse) to share some bits and pieces from my upcoming book with Egmont. Insect Emporium publishes in September 2016, and is bursting with insects of all shapes, sizes and origins, each with their own stories and curious behaviours. (Pictured above is a crop from my original artwork for the cover. The final approved version can be found here.)


This Mediterranean fruit fly is one of the many colourful creatures I had the pleasure of illustrating for this book. Below is a crop from the pull-out print which accompanies the book.

‘Insects are nature’s great survivors, found almost everywhere on our planet. They creep through undergrowth, lurk in cracks, dart underwater and soar through the sky. From the aerobatics of a dragonfly to the mighty construction of a termites’ nest, this book explores their secrets. Prepare to discover a spellbinding world within the Insect Emporium.’
– Susie Brooks


Egmont have just released a beautiful little animated teaser trailer for the book, in which some of the insects come to life! You can take a look at it here.


Puffin Classics

Posted on: March 11th, 2016 by Dawn


I recently had the pleasure and privilege of designing the cover for the new Puffin Classics edition of Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights, which was an absolute dream! I worked with the wonderful Anna Morrison, who tweeted the lovely picture above. You can see more from the stunning new series here.

I have also been avidly listening to Radio 4’s adaptation of Charlotte Brontë’s classic, Jane Eyre, which I heartily recommend to any fans (or might-be-fans).

Happy new (reading) year!

Posted on: January 12th, 2015 by Dawn


Happy New Year!

2014 was a terrific year in many ways, and I can’t wait to get stuck in to 2015. One of my new year’s resolutions, as always, is to read more books, and I feel even more compelled to do so after working with the lovely people at Penguin Books on their Penguinspiration initiative.

If you haven’t stumbled across it, you can fill out a short survey here, where you’ll choose whether to read 12 books, 30 books, 50 books or a whopping 80 books in 2015, and you’ll get a few recommendations before signing up for the challenge. Penguin Books will be sending out periodic emails to point out some titles you might like, and share with you some tips to help you complete your goal.

I’ve had a tremendous amount of fun designing these graphics, and have pledged to read a meager 12 books this year (last year I managed one book…but in my defence, it was a busy year and a very big book).

Happy reading!

Season’s Readings quotes for Penguin

Posted on: December 14th, 2014 by Dawn


I am very excited to reveal some of the designs I’ve been contributing to Penguin Books’ Season’s Readings campaign this Christmas. These seasonal literary quotes have been popping up on Penguin’s Twitter page during the countdown to Christmas. This one coincided nicely with Christmas Jumper Day!


You can take a look at the page here, and I’d recommend hitting the follow button, as their Christmas gift suggestions and bookish discussions have been marvellous!

I have also helped with their Instagram Book-a-Day Challenge, for which I illustrated this little graphic. It’s not too late if you want to get involved!


Home and Garden 2014

Posted on: December 6th, 2013 by Dawn


It’s been a long journey, and boy do we know it, but Katy Christianson and I have made a calendar!  Home & Garden 2014, celebrates   all things homely and wholesome, with twelve multi-layered, individually hand-pulled screenprints of original illustrations.

Perfect for house-cats, home lovers and green-fingered gardeners, we hope that you will welcome this mighty A3 calendar into your home to see in the new year!

I have illustrated a quote by Jane Austen, to reflect the homely sentiment of the calendar, along with a cat on a mat, some butterflies, some garden vegetables, a lonely girl and a house and a pile of enticing books.  Katy has illustrated all sorts of beautiful houses, intricate circles, birds and delicate line drawings.









The calendar is available from my shop and Katy’s shop, or at Spittalfields Market in London in the run-up until Christmas if you’d like a closer look!
